Round Table
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Opening of European Schoolnet Round Table 2006
After a windy and stormy night, the sky above Bruges breaks up to a beautiful day around the same time as about 120 participants from 30 countries are sitting down to start a day and half long event to relflect on the future of schooling in Europe.
The aim is, through collective discussion in small round tables, to gather participants views regarding the innovation in teaching and learning. Discussion will be around the following points: 1) From the past, what have you learnt...about education policy?; about ICT in schools?2) For the future, how do you see schooling in 2016? Best case scenario?; worst case scenario3) What shold stakeholders do to make the future happen how can the private sector help? 4) What targets shold we set? 5) Whaat should European Schoolnet do?
Posted by Riina Vuorikari on December 7, 2006 02:41 PM Permalink
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3. Stakeholders should do following in order to make the future happen:* integration in curriculum;* better assessment systems;* teacher networking;* stakeholders working together.
5. European Schoolnet should do following:* to share good and bad examples;* to help building strategies;* visions.
Posted by: Table2 December 7, 2006 05:26 PM